Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Notes: Textbook pages 553-63

16.5 Resistance- Ohm's Law
  • The amount of energy transferred to a device depends on both the potential difference of the power supply and the nature of the pathway using the electrical potential energy.
  • Resistance is a measure of the opposition to current flow. the formula is:
  • The amount of current flowing through a resistor varies directly as the amount of potential difference applied across the resistor.
  • Properties such as length, cross-sectional area, material, and temperature also affect the resistance of a conductor.
16.6 Series and Parallel Circuits
  • In a series circuit, the loads are connected one after another in a single path. In a parallel circuit, they are side by side.
  • Kirchhoff's current law: the total amount of current into a junction point of a circuit equals the total current that flows out of the same junction.
  • Kirchoff's voltage law: the total of all electrical potential decreases in any complete circuit loop is equal to any potential increases in that circuit loop.
  • There is no net gain or loss of electric charge or energy in a circuit.

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